Composers - Joe D'Etienne

Joe d’Etienne is a trumpet player, composer, arranger and pianist. Born in Germany and raised in Dallas, Joe began arranging at the Arts Magnet High School in Dallas. While studying at North Texas (UNT) and playing jazz trumpet in the Lab Band program, Joe continued writing. After receiving his Bachelor’s degree in 1985,
Joe joined the Glenn Miller Orchestra. Later he worked five years on cruise ships and in 1991, moved to Mexico City. For the past six years, Joe has led his own big band. This year his big band recorded their first CD, What’s The Rush?, a compilation of his writings over the past 25 years. Currently he teaches two big band ensembles, jazz improvisation and private trumpet at the DIM music school in Mexico City.
Big Band Charts
La Cucaracha-A jazzy swing version of this Mexican tune everyone knows. Due to the tempo changes, this arrangement will require more rehearsal than any normal straight ahead swing chart. It begins as a slow easy swing (tempo 104), then at bar 46 (D) changes to double time swing, then Latin at bar 58 (E), Funk at bar 83 (G), Latin at bar 94 (H), half tempo slow swing again at bar 102 (I), here the melody goes into minor, then double time swing at bar 130 (L) until the end. It’s a fun, happy and hip “roller coaster ride” on this otherwise corny melody.
Price: $19.95
This chart is a nice, easy bossa nova whose difficulty level is easy enough for young bands, but full of rich harmonic flavor that experienced bands will appreciate.
No lengthy solos, just nice ensemble sections that your band will enjoy.
Price: $19.95
Latin Dream
Latin Dream-An alto sax feature on a romantic bossa melody. Improvised solos by lead alto and 4th trumpet lead to brief but explosive shout chorus. The lead trumpet goes up to one written high E (D concert). After restatement of the melody by the lead alto, the coda tapers off to a subtle ending with a final flare of sixteenth notes by the sax section. An easy chart which always sounds good on first reading. (grade 3)
NOTE: This chart is in hand written form, not computer (Finale) generated. Eventually there will be a computer generated version, and any buyers of this chart prior to will receive the new version free of charge when its available.
Price: $19.95
Winter Moments
A beautiful and easy bossa with flugelhorn and tenor on the melody. An improvised tenor solo is filled with subtle, colorful backgrounds. Following the tenor solo, the shout chorus takes the lead trumpet up to one written high D (C concert). The coda employs a hint of“Debussy” and the chart ends with a chorale with four trombones and flugelhorn. Trumpets use Harmon mutes for color on the introduction and final chord.
Price: $19.95
Temporary Insanity
An aggressive high-energy samba based on the chord progression to 500 Miles High (half a step above the original key). Solos are by 1st alto sax, piano (or guitar) and an open drum solo, which can show off a drummer’s or percussionist’s creativity.
This chart can be played faster than the recording: as fast as your band can handle. In the shout chorus, the lead trumpet has the option of playing the highest notes up an octave if he wishes, bringing him to a double high A (G concert). Only the very strongest lead players can handle this challenge during the 8-bar climax (thus the title Temporary Insanity). The chart could be used as a closer for your concert performances. (Grade 4 ½ or 5; Difficult due to the tempo).